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We love Fabric! As we collect new pieces we will be sharing them here. Feel free to customize your fabric size. If you are looking for bundles, we have those too! We have bundles already put together with some quilt ideas for you.

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The Double Wedding Ring is a beautiful and classic design but unfortunately has historically been confined to more advanced quilters. No more! The Double Wedding Ring has been "Liberated at Last! with the CutRiteTM Double Wedding Ring template set (5 templates)! During a year of development and countless trials and iterations, we reconceived how this gorgeous design can be accomplished by confident beginners through more advanced quilters. How? By dividing the Double Wedding Ring design into blocks - four blocks make a ring. The templates make an 8 inch finished block which, when you put four blocks together, makes a 16 inch finished ring. And, the patent-pending Slit 'N SewTM method makes piecing super easy. Plus, our block method allows new design variations and possibilities never before possible (see examples below)! You'll have endless fun and get your projects done with this template set.

CutRite Double Wedding Ring Template Set

SKU: 046655050854
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